Here comes the migratory birds again! This season marks the annual bird migration in the Philippines, whereby influx of birds from the northern hemisphere is expected to commence around September (southward migration) to escape the winter, take refuge, and feed along wetlands and forests throughout the country. These birds will return to their breeding grounds by March (northward migration).
In time with the bird migration season, the DENR shall join the global community in the observance of the World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) on the 9th of October 2021. The WMBD is espoused by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) to increase awareness of the plight of migratory birds around the world and to conserve and protect these species.
“Sing, Fly, Soar – Like a Bird!”, this year’s WMBD theme brings focus on the phenomena of “bird song” and “bird flight” as a way to inspire and connect people of all ages around the world in their collective desire and inherent responsibility to conserve and protect the migratory birds and the habitats they need in order to survive.
Migratory birds have continued to sing, fly, and soar between their breeding sites during migration seasons. When the pandemic hit, more people across the world found comfort and joy in listening to singing birds and watching them fly, connecting these people to nature when the world seems to have slowed down. The pandemic has been a challenge for most of us. Nonetheless, it has also brought a new level of awareness and appreciation of nature, its importance to our well-being including the love to living creatures, like birds along with plants.
More information and downloadable materials on the World Migratory Bird Day 2021, can be accessed through the website http://worldmigratorybirdday.org/2021/.