Caves are any naturally occurring void, cavity, recess or systemof interconnected passages beneath the surface of the earth or withina cliff or ledge and which is large enough to permit an individual to enter, whether or not the entrance, located either in private or public land, is naturally formed or man- made. It shall include any natural pit, sinkhole or other feature which is an extension of the entrance. The term also includes cave resources therein, but not any vug, mine tunnel, aqueduct or other man- made excavation.


The above definiton was derived from Section 3. Definition of Terms of Republic Act No. 9072 also known as the “National Caves and Cave Resources Management and Protection Act.”


Caves are important natural resources because of their unique beauty, their history, and their role in a healthy environment. They play key roles in groundwater movement, serve as habitat for threatened and endangered animal species. They provide outstanding opportunities for studying and gaining a better understanding of our history through bones of prehistoric animals, the artifacts left by our ancestors as well as the geology of our country, and the relationships between the environment we see at the surface and the one that is hidden underground.