The Philippines had actively participated in the celebration of 3rd International Year of the Reef (IYOR) 2018 with the theme, “Together in Protecting Our Reefs”.
IYOR, which happens every 10 years, aims to raise awareness of, and action regarding, the value of coral reefs and associated ecosystems, threats to their health, and management solutions; and to facilitate public involvement in coral reef conservation-related activities in all countries.
The Philippine Government, through the initiatives under the Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Management Program (CMEMP) of the DENR-Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB), conducted the launching of the IYOR on 12 February 2018 at EDSA Shangri-La, Mandaluyong City. It did not just start-off the year-long celebration of this global event, but most importantly, it aims for a renewed partnership and cooperation among valued partners towards long term protection and conservation of our coral reef ecosystems.
Throughout the year-long celebration, different agencies have conducted activities to address threats to coral reefs which includes marine debris, illegal fishing, unsustainable tourism and other land-based threats. IYOR Partners have also emphasized the need for science, education and capacity building in responding to the said threats.
DENR-BMB, as the focal agency for the celebration, has advocated and supported coral reef conservation through the conduct of major IYOR activities.
One of the biggest, current threats to our coastal and marine ecosystems is plastic pollution. Thus, DENR, together with UNDP, SmartSeas and CORA, launched the CleanSeas Pilipinas campaign last May 2018 which aims to identify local and national partners and academic institutions to mobilize Filipinos all over the country to reduce plastic waste.
Unfortunately, proper waste management has not always been the attitude of Filipinos; as one of the world-renowned destinations, Boracay, was a victim of unsustainable tourism, management, and pollution of all sorts- plastics, solid and liquid waste, or sewage. This called for an intervention and stricter enforcement of environmental laws in the island- from easements, to waste management, to sewage treatment. After the 6-month closure for rehabilitation, the island was opened again for tourists on October 2018.
Last year, the Philippines secured an opportunity to prove the value it places on the conservation of coral reefs. Philippines is fortunate to have shared with the world the Philippine Rise, which hosts some of the most expansive and pristine coral reefs of the country. With the declaration of the Philippine Rise Marine Resource Reserve under the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) on May 2018, Filipinos are now, more than ever, responsible for its protection and management for the benefit of the present and future generations.
Also, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), and the Biodiversity Management Bureau started a convergence through conduct of series of meetings and workshops together towards a stronger partnership and efforts.
Moreover, among the international conferences and events hosted by the Philippines on 2018 were the 4th Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium on May, East Asian Seas Congress on November, and the Coral Triangle Initiative Senior Officials and Ministerial Meeting on December.
To officially close the celebration, an IYOR Culmination Night was conducted on 31 January 2019 at the Diamond Hotel, Manila.
BMB Director Crisanta Marlene Rodriguez commended the partners who contributed in the National IYOR Roadmap and shared how IYOR did not only create a platform for sharing of ideas but also formed a community bound with a common vision and passion for the ocean.
DENR Undersecretary Juan Miguel Cuna presented the major accomplishments of the Philippines in line with celebration and thanked the partners on the concerted efforts towards coral reef management. He also called the support of the agencies present for the Manila Bay Rehabilitation which he considered as another opportunity for multi-sectoral cooperation, and ultimately for mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into society and into the lives of everyday Filipinos.
Aside from the recognition of partners, the event also highlighted the launching of the Operational Plan of the convergence of BFAR and BMB. Undersecretary Eduardo Gongona of BFAR shared how timely is the convergence of the agencies, as bountiful fish catch is associated with healthy coastal and marine ecosystems. Dir. Rodriguez hopes the convergence will be a catalyst for a broader harmonization with other agencies working for the coastal and marine sector in the future.
“Although we are culminating the International Year of the Reef, our efforts must only progress, and not end with this global event. Let us continue to integrate the values of coral reef conservation into the development of the Philippines”, Undersecretary Cuna added.