This program focuses on the sustainable management of coral reefs, sea grass beds, mangrove stands, soft bottom areas (mudflats), plankton community, and water quality of coastal areas. These coastal ecosystems are important in the completion of life cycles of a wide variety of commercially and ecologically important marine life which support livelihood for nearly 60% of Filipinos. Under this Program is the Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Management Program (CMEMP) pursuant to DENR Administrative Order 2016-26 which aims to achieve the effective management of the country’s coastal and marine ecosystems thereby increasing their ability to provide ecological goods and services to improve the quality of life of the coastal population particularly ensuring food security, climate change resiliency and disaster risk reduction. It also contributes to the achievement of the PDP and PBSAP targets including international commitments such as the Aichi Targets and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 14 – Life below Water).