On April 22, we will be celebrating Earth Day and as part of that initiative we wanted to reach out to Global Wildlife Program (GWP) project teams to help put with a video. In this video, we would like to feature drawings, paintings, poems created by kids and teens (7-14 years) who as we know, will inherit our legacy. As a reminder of accountability across generations and that the planet is shared overtime – we wanted to ask children in this age group to draw / paint what they think and feel when asked these questions:
What do you love about Planet Earth?” and “How can we help Planet Earth?”
Please submit entries on behalf of your kids, relatives, friends to gwp-info@worldbank.org along with the name, age and location of the young artist. You can also share a photo (taken horizontally/ landscape mode) of them holding their drawing or painting. However, note that that submission of a photo indicates consent to have the photo published via GWP communication channels.
As many of you have transitioned from office to home during the pandemic and spent more time with your children and your family, we thought this would be a fun idea to share with a young audience on why its important to care for and save wildlife, forests, oceans, and the Earth.
Let us know if you have any questions and please if you would like to participate, send us a picture or scan copy of the art work by April 15, 2021.
Thank you.
Global Wildlife Program Team